Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Some Changes

So...I've been doing this little food blog for a couple of years now.  It started out as a place for my friends and family to find my favorite recipes and has since grown (not exponentially, obviously) to be something a little bigger.  I have followers!  I sometimes show up on page one of Google search results!  I get traffic from Pinterest!

As a result, I decided it was time to change to a custom domain name.  You can now find this blog at  You can still use my old blogspot address, but it will redirect you back here.  And anyone who follows me should also be redirected and shouldn't experience any trouble with that.  If you do, please let me know.

There may be some changes in the next few months.  Nothing drastic, I just want to freshen up the place a bit.  As I (slowly) figure out how to do stuff, you'll probably see something new here or there.  And I may even include some ads to generate a little income.  Ingredients aren't free and I could use a little more dough (ha, ha).

Anyway, thank you to my friends, family, and followers for making this teeny corner of the internet a little more popular.  I enjoy maintaining this blog and finding new recipes to try out and share.

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